Sunday, March 29, 2009
'Unlove' poetry
stick them in your suitcase
along with your promises
and lies...
the lying looks..
in your eyes
your hypocrisy
beyond any reason
why did you appear
like a ghost
like a lie
I am to blame
Ah.. the loathing
The shame
did I ever
give it a try ?
a chance
for shit and romance
It is insane..
but I am to blame
I feel so small
in resentment
and shame
what did I get..
nothing but
a waste of time
a handful of shit
I've been hit
yet again
no one's to blame
besides my twisted brain
pure madness
emotional paralysis
not even sadness
just pain
and more .. and more
and yet again
you asked if i love you
i said i do
you're dreaming …
if you believe ..
that someone like me
would ever fall for someone like you
no matter how lonely
desperate and blue
someone like me
would never ever fall for you
silence will be all that you
get from me
yes.. it is over, fool
we are done
you know you aren’t
the only one..
the only fool
actually it is me
who is the fool
but now i can
easily breathe
i can be ...
I can go back
to being me
now that you fucked off
now that you are
permanently gone
you killed me
so you died
why are you
so surprised?
i now vanish
i disappear..
i now dont exist
I’m not even here
the story was not impressive
only pathetic, sad, depressive..
abusive, hurtful, oppressive..
you were a cyst
now removed
left me numb
a frozen zombie
i am not here
and you died
are you really
still surprised?
a few Haikus
rain wets trees and streets
people shop
wet cat hides behind the tree
teacher teaches
music breaks the silence and fills the world
dark green pine tree through the window
top branches reach to the sky
the rest spread in all directions
Mountains peak through clouds
a fly wanders on the window
fresh music of birds
A Seagull stands on the electric pole
A Grey squirrel travels on the black wire
crispy new day
Time stands still as she plucks those harp strings
Her fingers become time and space
Everybody listens
the sound of chewing
a pen dances on a paper leaving a trace of writing
music breaks the silence barrier
Teacher teaches
everyone listens
mount fuji on the stick
food boils in pots
the sound and smell of the ocean fills the air
beach cat appears with her love and beauty
Raoul the greatest musician of all
his hands the scratch the beat the music the world
past present future me you and all is Raoul
silver red blue ocean
a couple of seagulls fighting in the air
laughs of women from far away
rosy cheeks bright eyes listen
roshi teaches
the couple melt in the music
perfect imperfection
a wise man teaches
Everything Everyone everytime shinzan
a branch outside framed by a window on grey canvas
Winds violently rock tree branches
Streets covered with a palette of leaves
A great symphony of chaos
drops drip off the needles of a pine tree
wet dark mother's womb
winter makes its grand entrance
days dark nights bright
Then the world became a crow
Colorful lights dance on the black road
Children dance like popcorn kernels
The crazy river sweeps away logs and life
Collectively Fish go home to die
Playing with colors
Rain falls down violently drowning the streets
The book speaks aloud
extreme ebb leaves a clean glossy beach as vast as the ocean
snakes curl lifeless on the sand
light leaks through a thousand holes in the sky dome
chunky stuff, spices and bubbles swim in the creamy hot soup
dizziying sax dancing drum joyful piano how groovy
jazz jazz jazz
Jazzy orange sun disk sinks behind the firey cotton candy
Frida laughs
Frida cries
Frida lives Frida dies
Fields of colorful lights
making no difference
in a moonless cold night
Dark clouds
Cruel wind
Leaves race scratching the heart of the street
green red black and white
crunchy soft hot and cold
a glossy fresh fiesta in a bowl
blues in the morning blues at night
Blues dark and loud
blues intensely bright & light
Saturday, March 28, 2009
- - حد فاضي ورايق كتب هذه ال"قصيدة" (مش انا) - القـــافية النونيـــة
القـــافية النونيـــة
أيـــــا ذا القـلب لا تحـــــزن فــــــذاك الحـب Infection
فـلـن تجــــــدي عقــــــاقير ولن تشفــــــيك Injection
فـــكم من عـاقـــــل فطـــن مضى بالحــب Direction
سـتـنـــــكره وتـنـســــــــاه ولن يبـــــقى له Mention
فـلا تنــــــــظم له شعــــراً ولا تكـتــــــب له Section
ولا يحــــــــزنك من باعك فقد أخطــــأت Selection
ولا تبـــــدي له أســـــــفـاً ولا تبــــــــــدي له action
فـــــــــــــإن الحب منـزلةٌ لبعض الناس exception
فبعض الناس إن هجـروا فلا حـــــزنٌ ولا tension
وبعض الناس إن هجروا يظل ويبـقى connection
فوصــــــل الروح إقبـــالٌ وما أحـــــــــلاه reaction
بدعـوات ومن قــلــــــب لها أثــــــــــر و affection
فـــإن لم يبـــــق لي شيء فلا حــــــــب ولا Passion
فــلا أسـف عـلى دنـيــــــا لـك وعليــك conversion
Friday, March 20, 2009
For you to be you and for me to be me
Allow me to connect with it
dont dismiss me
give me room to breathe
I need to let it all out
it is poisoning my system
the years of oppression and neglect are getting to me
I need a safe place
give me your unconditional love so that I can give you mine
feel my pain so that I can feel yours
my pain is a big part of who i am
I dont want to feel embarrassed of my pain
I am allowed to feel it !
You say : move on, move on...
how can I?
I will I know - one day maybe, when I am safe
when i am heard
Marginalized - do you know how painful that is ?
feer hurts!
I want to be exposed to you
with all my pain and brilliance
my genuis and depression
I dont want to be embarrased becasuse of my oppression
"it is not an issue" , you say. My life is way better that many others -
But you know, it is MINE, my pain is mine- I am the one who feels it.
My pain needs love
be gentle with my pain
my darkness needs the light of understanding
dont dismiss me
can you accept me the way i am? with my beauty and baggage?
do you see my beauty at all?
I tell the ocean about my pain - the trees hear me
God hears me
I crave the unity of the soul , a commuinity of the heart
communion with God through you and him and her
help me drop my defences
help me get rid of my identities - I want to be whole when with you
how can i if i am not whole within myself?
help me break free from the grinding wheel - acknowledge my courage - my stuggle
embrace my schezophrania
my madness is part of me
my maddness IS me
take me as a whole
Allow me to be me so that I can seize to be me
What I feel is real even if it doesnt make sense to you
Do you know how it feels to be jailed? stripped of your freedom?
do you know how it feels to be a woman? an arab? a palestinian? an artist?
do you want to know? do you care to know?
Does anyone care to know?
why would they, depressing lamentaion ...
minority colonialism feminism
oppression stuff ... boring depressing activist blabla
why would you care ? you were born up there
on the top of the hill
but if you want to be you
i need to be me
there is no you without me
and only when you stop being you
is when I become me
and only then
is when
I stop being me
only then
you can be you
and i can be me
do you see ?
what i'm trying to say ?
yes or nay?
knock knock..
anyone there
or just an empty headskin
let's both seize to be you and me,
and only be
a one amazing we